Let's Work Together


New York City

We generally connect with people and organizations in two ways (well, maybe three):

  1. Address an Immediate Need

    You're working on a specific event or project and want to assess whether we're a fit. In this case, we'll want to get into the details so we can offer a few concrete options for how to work together. The goal is to quickly inform you of possibilities so you can make the best choice for your organization or community.

    Start the proposal process.

  2. Explore Collaboration

    You see potential in working with Uncommon Places Design in the future and want to get to know us a bit before the need arises. In this case, we can schedule an exploratory call. You'll walk away with a fresh perspective on the high-potential moments you can influence, regardless of whether you choose to work with us in the future.

    Reach out to schedule a conversation.

  3. Something else entirely!

    We love new adventures. Feel free to surprise us with an unconventional inquiry.

    Send a note.

Address an Immediate Need

If you're working on a specific event or situation, we'd love to discuss how we can help. To develop a proposal, we'll want to know:

  • What you hope to achieve with this experience
  • Your team's roles in putting the experience together
  • The current timeline for your project or event
  • Who will be participating
  • What key stakeholders are involved
  • Budget ranges
  • Any confirmed program content or production details

You're welcome to share any of this information beforehand in the form below, or we can discuss it when we connect. We'll generally respond to you within 48 hours to schedule a call.

Address an Immediate Need:

Explore Collaboration

If you're curious about how we might work together in the future, let's schedule a brief introductory call. To make our conversation as productive as possible, consider these questions:

  • What are some of the significant moments that your organization or community engages in?
  • How are these moments planned for currently?
  • What's going well with them? What do you wish could be different?
  • Imagine your organization or community in its most optimal, fulfilled state; what is it like? What's happening that isn't happening now?

To schedule a call, provide a few dates and times that work for you, along with your time zone. We'll respond to you to confirm an appointment.

Explore Collaboration:

Client Experience

When our clients describe working with us, they often highlight our ability to:

Deliver Prized Results

  • Offer invaluable guidance and expertise in designing impactful programs and experiences
  • Deliver work that consistently passes expectations and makes a tangible difference

Foster Trust and Growth

  • Create trusted spaces for vulnerability and confidentiality, enhancing rapport and psychological safety
  • Coach leaders and teams with patience, empathy, and skill, enabling authentic behavior change
  • Provide clear vision and direction in the face of ambiguity and complexity

Facilitate With Prowess

  • Facilitate meaningful conversations and work sessions that lead to breakthrough insights and tangible progress
  • Bring creativity and agility to session design, masterfully guiding groups through dynamic processes
  • Ask powerful questions that trigger reflection, revelation, and growth

Whether it's a pivotal strategy session, a capacity-building workshop, or a personal adventure, our clients report that partnering with Uncommon Places Design leads to lasting impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of organizations do you work with?

We work with a range of organizations, from Fortune 500 companies to cultural institutions and non-profits. Our clients include biotech firms, fashion and lifestyle brands, publishing houses, and professional services companies. Two qualities unite them: a desire for human, relational experiences that advance their strategy and an appetite for innovative methods to maximize impactful moments.

How do you tailor your approach to different industries or organizational cultures?

Our expertise in human behavior, group dynamics, and organizational psychology results in a human-centered approach that inevitably takes on characteristics of the unique situations where it is applied. A client's specific culture, history, and industry inform the strategic intent and aesthetics of the experience. By bridging these elements, we create an experience uniquely appropriate to the people participating in each engagement.

Can you customize your services for smaller teams or groups?

Absolutely. We work with organizations of all sizes and excel at crafting intimate experiences for small teams and communities. The personalized interventions are especially effective for improving an intimate group’s creativity, courage, vision, and performance.

Can you give examples of the "high-stakes situations" you've worked on?

Organizational examples include:

  • the first in-person gathering of a global leadership team following the end of the pandemic
  • a nimble investment company racing to catch up with recent technological developments impacting their work
  • anniversaries that create the opportunity to engage the strategy more deeply and broadly in the organization
  • organizational crisis moments when internal grievances escalated as they spilled into public view
  • leadership transitions amid founders moving on
  • cultural changes within a team following the addition of crucial new members
  • soul searching among leaders as their lives and relationships changed with the opening of new lines of business

Personal examples include classic milestones, like weddings or big birthdays, where traditions are misaligned with the needs and desires of the people involved. People want help to do something more appropriate and meaningful, which demands a unique approach.

How do you measure the success or impact of your interventions?

Given the collaborative approach to defining success, metrics vary from one project to the next. Clients obsessed with quantitative metrics can struggle with our approach. While there are instances where our work had overtly quantifiable impact on things like fundraising and retention, we strive for qualitative impact through changes in mindsets, strengthening relationships, and initiating critical pivots.

How long does a typical engagement last?

The duration of our engagements varies widely depending on the scope and complexity of the project. Sometimes, focused interventions, like a tailored workshop series or concept development for a significant event, might span a few weeks to a few months. More comprehensive engagements can extend from six months to a year or more. We work closely with you to design an engagement that suits your needs. Sometimes, a light touch from us early in a project can have considerable impact. Other times, you'll want us to facilitate every planning session and embed with your production team through to the end.

What is your pricing structure?

Pricing is on a project basis according to the needs of each engagement. We strive to offer clients options that can all positively impact the project while creating choices around cost. Some more contained or short-term engagements may call for a time-based fee. We do offer non-profit rates.

Do you offer any follow-up support after the main engagement?

Yes. Many clients seek us out for critical, high-impact moments rather than ongoing support. If your situation calls for follow-up support, we're happy to offer it. We can either bake that into the engagement or make ourselves available for discrete consultation as needed.

Do you offer any workshops or training sessions separate from full engagements?

At this time, we only offer two "off the shelf" trainings:

  • foundational experience design training
  • effective use of Generative AI at an individual and team level
Be in touch if these are of interest.

Can you help with crisis management or sudden organizational changes?

We can respond quickly and nimbly to organizational crises, especially for facilitation and mediation services. Clients often appreciate our ability to bring calm and clarity in times of uncertainty. We also realize the importance of having the right support and only the right support in these critical moments. We will be honest and concrete about what we can offer if you're facing a crisis. If we are not a fit for your particular challenge, we will provide referrals to other professionals and organizations that might be.

Have more questions?

Ready to explore?

Get in touch about creating an experience to elevate your organization and inspire your community.

Start The Journey